The sun was rising in the ice world, the icebergs were melting like popsicles and all the animals had just woken up from hibernation. Out came five little penguins to swam over to an iceberg while the three other penguins danced around. One of the penguins waddled to a near by hole, he started scratching at the dripping iceberg. Then with a big flash of light, out came a huge sea lion. To the penguin it looked like a sky scraper except it had big long things sticking out of its mouth. From that same dark dripping hole two more sea lions came out but those sea lions weren’t as big as the other one. All of the penguins sat down to watch the birds swoop down and get a couple of fish but the birds didn’t swoop down. Instead they flew away so the penguins had to investigate. They dived into the water like a bomb that got dropped. They swam all around but couldn’t find any slimy, slapping, fish. With a big splash the penguins shot out of the water. They said to the sea lions they couldn’t find a single fish so the sea lions slowly dived into the water. When they got into the water they sunk right to the bottom, then they started swimming. Soon enough, they found a fat lazy whale with a whole cage full of slimy, slapping, fish. The sea lions quickly swam over there and unlocked the cage and all of the fish came out like a bundle of balls. While the sea lions were fighting with the whale, the penguins sat nervously. They were wondering what was going on. They all stood up and did a little dance, then sat straight down. Within a minute a big sea lion came from the water, then another and then the last one. They had saved the day. Now the animals wouldn’t starve to death.
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