Friday, February 12, 2010


Hello. I’m Gir-Ele-Rhi-Fro-Orb-Fly-Bird. I am going to describe myself and tell you some things about what makes me unique. I am a very kind and generous person/monster. I have a lovely grey magical rhino nose. On the end of my nose there is a sharp horn. I use my sharp grey horn to protect me from predators. I have long bright sparkly frog arms so I can use them to help me push along when I swim. I love to eat leaves and fresh green grass. I like to swim and splash around in cold water on hot bright sunny days. I have my fabulous spider legs to make me tiptoe silently. I have a fluffy bird tail and I shake it all around. I have my giraffe antenna so that they make my head look pretty. I use my enormous elephant ears to hear things far away. I use butterfly wings to fly around the sky. I live in the jungle. The jungle has monkeys swinging from vine to vine. The bushy bushes are swaying from side to side and that’s why the jungle is a great place to be.