Tuesday, February 9, 2010


One day I was walking in the street minding my own business and then suddenly poof! I am a crime fighting Lio-sea-ird-tiger . At first I was very confused because I was part lion, part sea lion, part bird and part tiger. I first wondered why I had silky, stripy, fierce tiger arms and long fluffy legs but it gave me a fantastic look. If you are wondering why I have feathery wings well that’s to let me glide around like a butterfly in the cool breezy air up above the cities. I use my giant feet for landing on the ground like planes at airports . I can also use my razor sharp claws to scratch my back and to scratch enemies that threaten me. Did you know the amazing thing about me is my ears can come off to fight extremely dangerous enemies that get too close and they instantly grow back . I am also quite deaf but I have very good vision. I can see more than 30km away. Well I guess the only thing left is my tail and my fur around my face. I use my tail to whip any animal that stares at me and my face I don’t know why that fur is there. Well that’s all I have to tell you for know about my crime fighting powers.