Friday, February 19, 2010


My monsters name is Liam. He was changed into a monster by a lio-fen-mon-gib-guin-at-monitor. He lives in the bush. He got to where he lives by flying with his giant bat wings. Now I will tell you how he got to where he lives he was walking home from school one day when he was attacked by the lio-fen-mon-gib-guin-at-monitor. He did not want to go home so he left a note at his house saying he was attack by a monster then he flew off into the bush. He eats bugs, grass, weeds and seeds and he likes flying a lot so you might see him he has huge eyes from a monarch butterfly he has hairy mouse ears and a long lizards tail a big hairy lions mane, a penguins body crazy looking mouth and long monkey arms with black fury hands and a blue t-shirt. That’s what he would look like if you see him.


Creative Chaos said...

Well done Liam. You have some great ideas in your story. Next time work on adding more detail to these ideas.
Miss Mitchell