Welcome to Room 2, 2010! This is our blog where we can share our writing and creative expression. We use a range of tools to do this. Sometimes we will write straight onto the blog, so there may be some mistakes! Enjoy!
It was a very sunny day in Candy Land. Some people said it was as hot as the sun. The fire danger was very high. Savannah and her daughter Lilly were eating lunch when they saw a flicker of light in the lounge. Savannah ran in to see what it was. There were flames everywhere and most of their stuff was burnt. They both ran outside in major shock. They were as shocked as you would be if a rat ran over your foot. They called the fire station and the fire-fighters were there in a flash. By thee time Samantha (the fire lady) and Phillip (the fire man) got on the roof to put out the fire it had already burnt all of the things in Lilly’s bedroom. Lilly cried as she thought about all the memories that were in her bedroom. When the fire was out there wasn’t as much damage as Lilly and Savannah thought there would be and the other good thing is the part that got burnt could be rebuilt.
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