Tuesday, August 24, 2010


In a land far away there was a peaceful happy village were lambs sleep in the nice green meadows and horses jumped around like bunnies. It was nice and hot that day. But in a land not far from that village was an evil king zurg. Yes the arch enemy of buzz lightyear. He was planning an invasion. He sent his army out to the village well that day in the village the farmers were rounding up their cows when a man that they called famer brown saw the army and screamed like a little girl and alerted the king. So the king sent out his best men, a wizard two knights, a troll two archers called Robin Hood and woody. While they were fighting king zurg was setting up his evil plan hiding in the cliff. Back at the village they were still fighting when two dragons came and brunt the hay from famer browns farm and burnt their defence system but zurg did not know about the giant cross bow so king buzz shot the two dragons too the ground after he had done that the army saw the dragons were dead so they went back to their land “ victory said king buzz”
“men we have won the battle but they will win they war” “ yahh , what” its true said king buzz .that night while everyone was having fun and partying hundreds of arrows fly from out of the sky so everyone stoped partying and took cover “ I see the tower over to the right in the cliff” so king buzz got the wizard so he shot a lighting bolt at the tower it caught fire and tumbled to the ground like a building exploding so king zurg was defeated and the village was safe. By Liam