The adventures of cow in space
Up in the sky in space there’s a planet the planet is called Mars and on Mars there’s a cow her name’s Cow. Cow looks like an ordinary dumb cow but she isn’t just dumb she’s a secret agent . Cow works for a secret agency called the
C.S.A (cow secret agency) Cow is there to stop other bad agents from destroying Mars. There also is another secret agency called the E.C.S.A (evil cow secret agency) and they are evil.
They can disguise themselves as almost anything like a robot in this story they are disguised as a robot or an alien because they are not wanting to be seen. Cow was on the lookout for anything suspicious because cow has just received a letter from the C.S.A saying that another secret agent in the district and her or him is up to no good Cow would have to keep lookout until they find who is behind all of this so Cow went on the lookout for something or someone Cow looked around and around when her phone started to ring, it was C.S.A they had tracked down who it was, the company was E.C.S.A just as Cow suspected and the secret agents name was Mr evil secret agent guy. It also says what Mr evil secret agent guy looked like so Cow downloaded a picture of him and she jumped up and she was full of joy somehow she could tell that it was going to be a good time. So now that Cow knew what to look for it was more fun than ever so she set off on her adventure. She started to look around, Nothing. There was no one in sight so Cow went a bit further around Mars when she heard someone cough Cow went a little bit closer when suddenly jumped out from one of the rocks and put a bag over her head. Cow couldn’t believe it she was being cownapped. Cow was so frightened that she fainted. When she came to she was tied up in a chair and her mouth was taped She couldn’t believe it . Then a person walked in the door, Was it a person or was it Mr evil secret agent guy? It was him and w\hat was it in his bag it was dynamite he was going to blow up Mars . There were so many questions that needed to be answered ; why was he doing this where are you going to do it and many more all that Mr evil secret agent guy was saying was shutup or silence I am trying to think of what to do. Finally Mr evil secret agent guy thought of a plan he would stick dynamite in the holes of Mars and blow it up yes that’s what he was going to do so went outside and stuck some dynamite in the holes with the time of three minutes Then he hopped into his spaceship and drove off . The timer was on now and it was on ten seconds left Cow tried to get out but there was only three seconds left 3,2,1 boom. Hayley
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