Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The sad penguin.

The sun was coming up in Antarctica. Already it was shining as bright as girls smiles. The sun was so happy to be out it was saying to its self good morning. The Artic animals were stretching like the trees. Breakfast was over and they were having fun in or out of the water. Kelly the killer whale and Jacob the baby killer whale were practicing there jumps, Daniel the blue dolphin was watching Samantha the Gray whale dive, Fluffy the seagull was nesting and Tom the penguin was watching Lilly the black and white penguin looking all upset. Tom wondered why she was upset he wanted to ask but Tom was as shy as a little mouse meeting another mouse. Tom was getting frustrated with the other animals because all he could here was bang, crash, splash and smack. Tom yelled “Can you please be quiet!” The animals were suddenly silent. Tom said thank you and then very quietly he walked up to her and said “Are you alright?” Lilly didn’t answer she was just sobbing. Tom asked again “Are you alright?” Lilly answered “No because all the other animals are being mean to me so now I’ve got know one to play with” “You can play with me” Tom replied. Lilly was never upset from that day forward she always had fun with her new friend Tom who was always making her laugh.