To night I am sleeping in a tent and cooking on a open fire.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
On the weekend we went fishing and we caught 4 red cobs and 4 sharks. We used the torpedo that my dad built.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 12:02 PM 0 comments
As In the deep blue sea
It was as cold as ice in the deep blue sea. After breakfast some sea divers came to look for some treasure. But when they got to the treasure chest the key wasn’t there. So the sea animals tried to help the sea divers find it. But they couldn’t find it. So they decided to have a meeting to figure out the best way to find it. So they asked everyone in the deep blue sea to come to the meeting. They went around whispering it to everyone in the deep blue sea. Then they were surprised to see how many sea animals came to the meeting. They said to all of the sea animals to spread out and find the key to the treasure chest. They searched the whole entire ocean and finally Lucy Fish found the key. Lucy Fish was sinning like a bird because she was so happy. Then they had an idea. The sea divers shared the treasure with the sea animals but not the ocean because Lucy Fish found the key in the oceans mouth. Then all of the sea animals and the sea divers were rowing in money and they all lived happily ever after.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Animal wonder land
Hi there fly with me I’m going to share an adventure with you. Staring at Jasmine the dog saying hello down there. I woke up the next morning I think I’m in wonderland. It was only 5:30 in the morning what 5:30 in the morning I can not believe that I woke up late for my day. I was supposed to be at a wedding in Australia. I guess I just had to fly there my self because I’m a butterfly. I had an hour to get there. I had to flap my wings extra fast to get there in time. I got there at 8:00 clock. I was very thirsty I got a drink with ice. After I had my drink I went and sat down before I missed the wedding. It is my best friend yasmines wedding and I just about missed it. After the wedding I meet my sister Janul she is 27 years old. She lives in America I live in New Zealand. I meet yasmines mum and dad Marie and Richey. When I got home I had a hot chocolate and then went to bed. I woke up I was coughing all didn’t know what was wrong maybe I should of stayed in bed all day and didn’t go to work. Friday I was still sick what would I do. I went to the doctors and they took blood test it came back with clear realsolts I just had the flue.
The End
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:57 AM 0 comments
In the weekend went to wellington to a maori squash kapa haka practice. After that i played a game of squash and it was so much fun. Pj has powerful hits when he serves. Most of the time i hit them back over the red line and i end up winning.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:35 AM 0 comments
In the weekends I stayed the night at Arthur's house we ate cake and played Tony hawk's American waste land.In the morning we went skate boarding. I fell of and and ripped my knee up IT HURT. THE END
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:33 AM 0 comments
In the weekend i went to lower hutt to buy some games for the X Box 360 and i spent $250 at the games man i brought 5 games and they were Halo ODST,bioshock 2, Two worlds,GTA IV lost and damned,Assains Creed 2 and when i got home i stayed up all night playing these games untilt was 5 in the morning
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:30 AM 0 comments
One morning when all the pirates got up Angel the caption said ahoy me harties let’s get the ship clen before the gest come. The crow said we will get the ship clean for you Angel and for the gets that coming for tea. And when the gets came I said pleas have a seat and tea will be on the table in 5 minutes . When we were having tea stanfly had a food fight with with the other people . so the next day his dad nikora said you have to clean the ship . Stan fly said why and nikora said because you had a food fight with the guests . the next day when angel and Jackson were fighting about who is going to get the treasure and when I came back from my friends house I said stop fighting about who is going to get the treasure and if you stop fighting about who is going to get the treasure you might be aloud to half it . the next day their dad said you can half the treasure now . the next day their was another boat that came and got on our boat and stole the treasure so I said lets get our treasure back and I jumped onto their boat but push me over board . and when I got bank on my boat I said this isn’t going to be easy so when everyone asleep maia the dog jumped onto their boat and stole the treasure
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Flames robot lab
One day flames was building robots but suddenly crawly said testing guns’’ no said flames boom! The power generator blew up the power of the explosion knocked him out flames woke up tevo was out of batteries lazers held crawly down thay put crawly in an electric cage they put new batteries in tevo the whole lab was destroyed blue came and fixed the place up tevo go in the gun testing room and see if your gun works bizzzzz your of to the military by tevo they end
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Rock trail
One day a camper came to rock trail he was camper there. The next day he said to him self “I might go for a walk to those hills”
So off he went to the hills. Well back at the camp trouble was near a crocodile said “Is…is he gone yet let’s go”
There where hill animals every where jumping off rocks playing in the campers tent and on his guitar cooking there own type of marshmallows on the fire flying into the pond right where the tent was they where like a wild bull running free “ hay ”
Said the monkey “I think we hit the jackpot. “In front of the monkey was two motorbikes but right then they didn’t know that the camper was back just looking at the animals just then big foot yells out “ HEY!!!!”
“Get off the camp sight”
So all the animals pack up and left and even the camper pack up and left as well
Boom!!! Big foot jumped onto the ground like an elephant falling “now this is the place for me no one to steal my stuff or crash my motorbikes”
It was just then the monkey crashed a motorbike “well that moment of peace wasn’t very long.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The sad penguin.
The sun was coming up in Antarctica. Already it was shining as bright as girls smiles. The sun was so happy to be out it was saying to its self good morning. The Artic animals were stretching like the trees. Breakfast was over and they were having fun in or out of the water. Kelly the killer whale and Jacob the baby killer whale were practicing there jumps, Daniel the blue dolphin was watching Samantha the Gray whale dive, Fluffy the seagull was nesting and Tom the penguin was watching Lilly the black and white penguin looking all upset. Tom wondered why she was upset he wanted to ask but Tom was as shy as a little mouse meeting another mouse. Tom was getting frustrated with the other animals because all he could here was bang, crash, splash and smack. Tom yelled “Can you please be quiet!” The animals were suddenly silent. Tom said thank you and then very quietly he walked up to her and said “Are you alright?” Lilly didn’t answer she was just sobbing. Tom asked again “Are you alright?” Lilly answered “No because all the other animals are being mean to me so now I’ve got know one to play with” “You can play with me” Tom replied. Lilly was never upset from that day forward she always had fun with her new friend Tom who was always making her laugh.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:50 AM 0 comments
One freezing, icy, cold morning I got my jacket and snow boots on and went outside. I got in my car and drove as fast as a bunny can hop down the road and into the forest. The forest was as cold as ice. I made an exit from my car. The snow fell out of the sky like a tennis ball getting hit over the tennis net. I entered the forest and found a perfect spot to build an igloo to sleep in at night. It was getting dark and it had been a long day. I went deeper into the forest to find some firewood. It got darker and darker and colder and colder. I got as scared as a scared little mouse. I tried to find my way back but I just couldn’t find my way. The night sky was now as dark as a dark cave. I started walking towards a bush. There was something inside the bush. The bush was moving side to side. I got really frightened. Then all of a sudden something jumped out of the moving bush. It was a husky. She seemed like she wanted me to follow her. I followed her and she came to a stop. She had led me all the way back to my igloo. I didn’t know how to thank her. So I let her come and sleep in my igloo with me. That night before I went to sleep I thought to myself how lucky am I.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 23, 2010
In the hoilday i went to Hastings to get my glass tinted.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 10:49 AM 0 comments
In the school hoildays my mum got married in westin housewe had about 103 people came to the big day mum had a lovey dress to wear.The night befor mum and the the girls stad at fantles when the day came we all had lots of fun
the end
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 10:48 AM 1 comments
In the holidays i went to my nanas house to see my cuzins we went to the park me and my cuzin where playing on this giant ship it was more fun going to my nanas then it is just staying at home
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Makayla At The Beach
In the holidays i went to Foxton beach with Olivia. Some waves were as big as a clock and others a mouse could of survived. It was fun. When e first arrived we put our feet in the water. It was cold. We went in further and the further we got the colder the water was. When we had sort of got used to the water we dared eachother to go under the immence waves. Olivia was the first to go under. She dared me a small amount of times before i went under. We we got home we had a shower and then Olivia's pop took me home.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Wellington zoo Shaylah
In the holidays i went to the wellington zoo with my Mum, Brendon, Alec, Brayden and Hayley. we could here the noise from inside it was as loud as a lions roar.We saw every animal at the zoo and we even got to feed the giraffes. The giraffes have tongues as long as a log and necks as long as a persons. My favourite animal at the zoo would have to be the chettahs because they are the fastest animal in the world.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 10:01 AM 0 comments
On the hoiladays my Aunty got married in los vagas they tried not to spen heeps of money but they did and one night they going to thes shops and this guy came up to them and asked a question and they said no and uncle Wayne scrached his nose so he asked if he wanted some nose candy and they said no and then looked at each other and walked fast and they got married wayne looked like a little boy in a suit Aunty looked nice her dress was pretty!!!!
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 9:56 AM 0 comments
my easter eggs by hayley
in the holidays i got some easter eggs some of my eggs were dark chocolate and the rest was all milk chocolate and i got to eat the easter eggs and they were nice
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Maia goes to the moives
On the holidays I saw 2 moives there names were, Boy and This way of life there pretty,there cool because there made in NZ but there kind of sad but there cool and In this way of life a little boy is riding a hourse and he falls off and crys and he throws a stone at the ground and in Boy rockey thinks he has super powers and a bus went past him and the kids were laughing at him so he tryed to blow the bus up but it didnt work. THE END
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Jacksons socks
In the holiday I got some new socks they are pretty flash and the have cool colours they are blue, light blue, gray and green and they have superpowers so I can breathe under water but I have to hold my breath but they get wet so a use there super sock powers to dry them, in the dryer
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:38 AM 3 comments
Leteishas fishing trip.
In the holiday we had sunny weather so we decided to go fishing. We had to get up early so we could drive to the far end of the beach. It was 5:30 when we got there and it took us 10 minutes to drive to the right spot. We are finally here time to unload the truck. We got given some toast. Dad set the fishing lines up and then we were ready to fish. Sadly we didn't catch anything but that was ok we still had fun.
Posted by Room 2 Rocks at 11:37 AM 2 comments